Education پەروەردە

Outside universities, I am a tech-edu expert and consultant. I research, practice, and guide K12 educational institutions on “Best Practices of ICT & AI to Deliver Modern and Life-Long Skills to Young Learners“.

Speaker at the International Conference on Education and Teaching 2024. My speech was about “Enhancing Education in the Kurdistan Region: Employing Generative AI for Teacher Empowerment and Student Success“.

Panelist at the Kurdistan Education Forum 2024 on “21st Century Learning: The Fifth Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Education (Focusing on Artificial Intelligence)“. To embody the vision of the Kurdistan Region in developing education.

  • Member of the Policy Council at the Head Start (HS) Program, reviewing the HS programs’ performance and developing the Digital Literacy Curriculum for Portage Learning Center in Northeast Ohio, USA.

  • Tech-Education Professional Program Developer and Instructor, for young learners at CAPA Center of the American University of Kurdistan. Delivering modern world life-long skills through teaching Gamified Coding Courses.

  • Digital Literacy Professional Program Developer and Instructor, for adult learners at CAPA Center of the American University of Kurdistan. Taking workspace skills to the next level.